
Module Contents


copy_asset_files(app, exception)

Copy all assets after build finished successfully.

setup_domains(app, config)

Override domains respecting the one defined (if any).

setup_sphinx_tabs(app, config)

Disconnect update_context function from sphinx-tabs.

setup_intersphinx(app, config)

Disconnect missing-reference from sphinx.ext.intershinx.

missing_reference(app, env, node, contnode)

Override original missing_referece to add data into the node.

setup_theme(app, exception)

Auto-configure default settings for known themes.

setup_assets_policy(app, exception)

Tell Sphinx to always include assets in all HTML pages.

deprecated_configs_warning(app, exception)

Log warning message if old configs are used.


Setup hoverxref Sphinx extension.










hoverxref.extension.CSS_CLASS_PREFIX = hxr-
hoverxref.extension.HOVERXREF_ASSETS_FILES = ['js/hoverxref.js_t']
hoverxref.extension.TOOLTIP_ASSETS_FILES = ['js/tooltipster.bundle.min.js', 'css/tooltipster.custom.css_t',...
hoverxref.extension.MODAL_ASSETS_FILES = ['js/micromodal.min.js', 'css/micromodal.css']
hoverxref.extension.copy_asset_files(app, exception)

Copy all assets after build finished successfully.

Assets that are templates (ends with _t) are previously rendered using using all the configs starting with hoverxref_ as a context.

hoverxref.extension.setup_domains(app, config)

Override domains respecting the one defined (if any).

We create a new class by inheriting the Sphinx Domain already defined and our own HoverXRef...DomainMixin that includes the logic for _hoverxref attributes.

hoverxref.extension.setup_sphinx_tabs(app, config)

Disconnect update_context function from sphinx-tabs.

Sphinx Tabs removes the CSS/JS from pages that does not use the directive. Although, we need them to use inside the tooltip.

hoverxref.extension.setup_intersphinx(app, config)

Disconnect missing-reference from sphinx.ext.intershinx.

As there is no way to hook into the missing_referece function to add some extra data to the docutils node returned by this function, we disconnect the original listener and add our custom one.


hoverxref.extension.missing_reference(app, env, node, contnode)

Override original missing_referece to add data into the node.

We call the original intersphinx extension and add hoverxref CSS classes plus the data-url to the node returned from it.

Sphinx intersphinx downloads all the objects.inv and load each of them into a “named inventory” and also updates the “main inventory”. We check if reference is part of any of the “named invetories” the user defined in hoverxref_intersphinx and we add hoverxref to the node only if the reference is on those inventories.

See https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/blob/4d90277c/sphinx/ext/intersphinx.py#L244-L250

hoverxref.extension.setup_theme(app, exception)

Auto-configure default settings for known themes.

Add a small custom CSS file for a specific theme and set hoverxref configs (if not overwritten by the user) with better defaults for these themes.

hoverxref.extension.setup_assets_policy(app, exception)

Tell Sphinx to always include assets in all HTML pages.

hoverxref.extension.deprecated_configs_warning(app, exception)

Log warning message if old configs are used.


Setup hoverxref Sphinx extension.